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About the Journal



LABOUR, Capital and Society is an interdisciplinary, refereed journal published twice yearly. Manuscripts from all parts of the world, especially from authors in developing countries, are welcome. LABOUR, Capital and Society asks contributors to submit their articles by electronic mail. Contributions and correspondence should be sent to the following address:

Labour, Capital and Society
Attn: Prof Dolores Chew 
C/O Marianopolis College 
4873 Westmount Ave. 
Québec H3Y 1X9 

Email: lcstcs.editor @

In order to hasten the process of evaluation and publication, authors are asked to comply with the following guidelines.

  1. All articles should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words including notes and bibliography.
  2. All copy including headings, quotations, footnotes and appendices should be typed double-spaced with one inch margins. All pages must be numbered consecutively.
  3. Authors must submit an abstract of 150-200 words outlining their article.
  4. To permit anonymity, the author’s name should not appear on the article proper. The title of the article and the name and affiliation of the author should appear on a separate page, along with the address where the published copy should be sent. The title should also appear on the first page of the text.
  5. Bibliographies must include only cited material and must be listed alphabetically by surname. Our preference is to omit endnotes in favour of complete bibliographies. Bibliographies must contain the author, title, place of publication, publisher and date of publication. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all citations and are urged to verify them before submission.
  6. Please indicate if you would like your email address to be included in the published article.

N.B. Authors are entitled to one free copy of the journal, the pdf version of the article, and discounts on bulk orders and subscriptions.



  1. References are cited within parentheses in the text rather than as footnotes. Each reference must be consistent with the full citation which appears in the bibliography at the end of the text. The general format for a short reference is as follows: (Author, date if necessary: pagination). For example:
    • (Lofting: 57-63)

    or, when the author has more than one publication in the bibliography,

    (Lofting, 1999: 57-63)

  2. If an author has more than one publication from the same year, specify with a, b, c etc.
    • (Lofting, 1999b: 57-63).

    All direct quotations require a specific page citation; so do specific ideas, facts, tables, etc. But if you are using the general ideas or approach of someone else, you need not cite specific pages. A note acknowledging the source is sufficient.

  3. References which simply refer to further readings are also included in the text; for example,

    (See Myrdal, 1963; Ball, 1987)



Explanatory notes which are needed for an elaboration of a side point should be included as brief endnotes at the end of the article, before the bibliography and numbered consecutively using superscript Latin numerals (1, 2, etc) . Bibliographic entries should be in alphabetical order.



  1. Bibliographic entries should be in alphabetical order. Our preference is to eliminate endnotes in favour of full bibliographies.
  2. Books: Author(s)’s or editor’s surname, first initials. Year. Title. Book series. Place of publication: Publisher.

    Cord, David and Alan Krueger. 1995. Myth and Measurement: The New Economic of the Minimum Wage. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

  3. Articles in journals: Author(s)’s surname, first names. Year. “Title”, Periodical, Vol.: no. (Month/season), Pages (pp. xx-xx).
  4. Palley, Thomas I. 2004. “The Economics Case for International Labour Standards”. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28(1), pp. 21-36.

  5. Articles in edited books: Author’s surname, first names. Year. “Title of article”, in Editor(s) Full names (eds.), Book name. Place of publication, Publisher, pages (pp. xx-xx).

    Cox, Robert W. 1994. “Global Restructuring: Making Sense of the Changing International Political Economy” in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds.), Policital Economy and the Changing Global Order. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 45-59.

  6. Internet Sources: Author’s surname, first initial (or corporate author). Year. “Title of article” or Title of document, Source (name of database or online journal). Vol: no (if available), Place if available (eg. Site of conference, seminar, workshop), Date of publication if available, exclude year, in brackets. Date retrieved, website URL.
  7. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2007. Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC (AR4), Valencia, Spain, Retrieved 12 August 2008,

    Pardomuan, Lewa. 2008. “Gold and Platinum Hit Record on South Africa Mining Halt”. Reuters UK(25 January). Retrieved 11 August 2008,

    Avoid using blogs, reproduced sections of published books or sources that have very little publishing information beyond the name of the website (eg. Author’s name, place, date). Please double-check and update if necessary URL before submitting article.

  8. Published and unpublished works are treated differently in bibliographies. The titles of published works are italicized; those of unpublished works (if the material is reproduced) are set in quotes, with “Mimeographed” after the citation. Correspondence or archives are not set off in any way.
  9. If a work appears in substantially the same form in more than one place, always include the more well-known source. For example, try to cite published journal articles rather than drafts or unpublished monographs, which are often very difficult to obtain.
  10. When using more than one source per author, cite the most recent source first.


Tables and graphs should be kept to a minimum, have titles and be numbered. Always include table numbers in text references. Figures in tables should be punctuated: 15, 165; 1,659,075. [See also NUMBERS below.] Sources (including author or agency; title of book or title of article and journal title; city, publisher, year [book] or vol., no., year; page [article]), should be given for all tables. Source is written as Source and notes as Notes, under the table. Try to make tables and graphs as small but clear as possible and in a file that can be adjusted during the layout process. Avoid duplicating information already provided in the text.



  1. Exact page references should be given for all direct quotes.
  2. Double inverted commas indicate quotations run on in the text (less than 6 lines); single quotes indicate quotation within quotation.
  3. Longer quotes (6 lines or more), or quotations requiring special emphasis are not set off with quotation marks but are set off from the text by indenting on both sides (approximately 4-6 spaces).
  4. Use square brackets for your own interpolations into quotations.
  5. Periods fall within quotation marks only when quote is a complete sentence. When part of a sentence the period falls outside quotation marks.



  1. All headings should be set on a separate line above the paragraph and be without final periods.
  2. First level headings must be in Latin characters, bold; secondary headings must be in italic characters bold; Tertiary headings must be in italics. All headings are to be in upper and lower case.



  1. For spelling we use Canadian standards. Canadian spelling is distinguished by its use of -re rather than -er (centre, not center), -our rather than -or (neighbour, not neighbor), and -ize rather than -ise (organize, not organise). Generally use re and not re- (eg. revisit).Although there are alternate spellings of the following words, please note our usage:
  2. acknowledgement biased

    -ize (e.g. mechanize)
    per cent

    tiers monde
    World War I

  3. Capitals: capitals should be used sparingly. Use Third World; Marxist; Stalinist; Table 3 (even when referring to it in the text); chap.4 (when referring to it in footnotes); President Marcus; the President (meaning Marcus implied, but not named); but the president opens the meaning (referring to the position, not the man).
  4. Italics: Italics are usually used for emphasis or for foreign words in an English sentence. But foreign words (e.g. Latin expressions) that have become naturalized (can be found in an English dictionary) do not need to be set in italics (e.g., ad hoc, ibid., raison d’être).
  5. Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be avoided unless they are well known or explained in the text. For the first usage, spell out the term followed by the abbreviation in parentheses, e.g., New Democratic Party (NDP).
  6. Names: Give a person’s full name when it is first mentioned; afterwards, only the last name should be used.
  7. Apostrophes: Avoid apostrophes in plurals such as 1960’s or NGO’s. Use 1960s, NGOs.



  1. All specific quantities and all percentages should be denotated by figures and all measurements should be in metric units. All other numbers up to 10 should be in words; all numbers of two digits or more in numerals. Avoid, however, such juxtapositions as seventy-nine sheep and 108 cows (better: 79 sheep and 108 cows). Use words rather than figures to start a sentence. Use commas in thousand numbers when writing in English; use a space instead of commas when writing in French. Commas must be used to replace decimal points when writing in French.
  2. Pairs of Numbers: 58-59, not 58-9; 251-59, not 251-9 or 251-259.
  3. Dates: Fiscal years should always be in the form 1929/30, not 1929-30. They should always contain the last two digits of both years. Calendar years are written 1929-30. Use “between 1971 and 1975” and “from 1971 until 1975” or just “1971-75” but not “between 1971-75” or “until 1971-75”.
  4. Dates should appear in the form 18 September 1985. Use nineteenth century, not 19 th century.
  5. Percentages: Use “per cent” in the text, unless several per cent figures are used in the same paragraph or many on the same page; in the latter case, and when referring to percentages in tables, use “%”.


Updated 22 October 2009


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